Fin de saison, end of season

On est tranquilement arrivé a la fin de la saison. Merci pour votre confiance et vos reservations. On garderaa que des bonnes souvenirs a vous. Mainenant c’est notre tour de se reposer: Bourg de Mat est fermé pour nos congées annuels du 13 septembre au 15 oktobre.

Au plaisir de vous revoir cet autumne au cet hiver pour vos envies de sports d’hiver, au bien en 2012.

Nelly et Marcel

We have gradually arrived at the end of the high season, at which point we would like to thank all of you for your reservations and the confidence you had in us, for your holiday bookings. We are left with many good memories of the summer of 2011. Now it is our turn to take a few weeks off, so Bourg de Mat is closed from the 13th of september through the 15 of octobre 2011.

We hope to see you this autumn, or stop by for a ski-break this winter. If not maybe we’ll meet again in the summer of 2012.

Marcel and Nelly